T-ARC Money and Operations

T-ARC Money and Operations

Operational Cycle and Port to Sea Time Ratio

USNS Zeus deployments are typically long and last many months. However, this will depend on the mission. While the deployments are long, they are often broken up with about 6 weeks at sea and an extended port visit of about 2 weeks to re-supply and relax. 

Money Situation

The Zeus is a high paying ship with ample overtime opportunities when on deployment. When on mission, it is not uncommon for the Deck Department to work 12 hours a day 7 days a week. 

Life on Board

As a result of the heightened OPSEC measures, the USNS Zeus has strict security protocols when on mission. Emails, phone calls and internet connectivity are not available when on mission. Phones are strictly prohibited when working on deck. Life onboard will be impacted by crew cohesion. If it is a good crew and everyone gets along, it will likely be a good deployment. On deployment, the Zeus will often have long underway periods to complete its mission followed by extended port visits. This schedule can lead to a “work hard, play hard” mindset. 

For the Deck Department

Deck Officers

All Deck Officers are required to have taken the basic Dynamic Positioning course. To have an advanced license on the Zeus as a mate, you will need the Dynamic Positioning Officer endorsement. 

Deck Day Workers

While CIVMARs are not responsible for repairing the cable, that is the contractor’s job, CIVMARs do assist in the cable operations. A common task is for CIVMARs to pay the cable in and out. Once the cable has been hooked up, Deck Department Dayworkers will go into the cable drums and walk the cable to ensure it does not twist or kink. 

For the Engine Department

Engine Officers

If any engine officer with experience on the Zeus has information that should be shared, please reach out via the form below!

Engine Unlicensed

If any engine department member with experience on the Zeus has information that should be shared, please reach out via the form below! 

For the Supply Department

It is important for the Supply Department to order stock prior to the deployment. When the ship goes dark, it will be difficult to send out orders. All MILSTRIPs will need to be send via the high side. 

For the Communications Department

The Communications Department will be responsible for managing the “dark ship” conditions and ensuring all transmission security requirements are met and maintained. 

What to Read Next

The maritime industry can be unpredictable. Missions, ports, policies and procedures frequently changes, and not having the most up to date information is frustrating. If something we wrote needs an update, or if we missed something important that should be added or highlighted, drop us a line via the form below and we will work to get the information updated as soon as possible! Safe sailing! 

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